Development 2


Risograph printing, could be used as screen printing inspiration with the colour’s, cyan (green/light blue), magenta, yellow and black:

Handmade paper gives a really raw but beautiful description of something that has been destroyed but is still beautiful in its new form, and to me relates to death really well. I want to create some handmade paper to print and draw onto.

Handmade paper process:

Design idea for story: 

As I am struggling on creating I want to explore the design aspect on this piece more, which in turn, will help me think of a style and composition for this idea of ‘blood lipstick’.

The plan for this piece is to create something that could be made a newspaper spread, or an editorial spread as the form of advertising the message I am trying to get across, which is ‘blood is blood no matter what it has come from, human or animals its still blood’ to highlight consumerist culture of animals, and the idea that if it came from humans, it wouldn’t be any different because its a living thing. Weather that be from eating meat products or buying beauty products, I want to mash the two together to create ‘blood lipstick’ which will also be accompanied by the storyboard.

I want to have a comic style, clean and bold to illustrate my story, with the key colours being, red, black, and white. and I want it to be screen printed as one image which will be a3 (hopefully).

I think the the simple style and limited colour pictures, are better for this as I want it to be simple and to the point. I may even want to add in text once I have the first designs down and printed. (this is also them something that could even be tuned into a gif for online advertisement once I have it all designed).

Movie reference: 

Wolf Creek, making gore and things you don’t want to see like mutilated bodies into a movie about a serial killer in Australia who kills for fun, also making the psychopathic killer almost likeable through his personality.

wofl creek

A Serbian Film, is a film about a struggling porn star who gets persuaded to participate in an ‘art film’ which turns out to get a lot of attention for its graphic depictions of rape, necrophilia and child sexual abuse.

This is one of the reviews describing how mentally scaring:

I wanted got include this in my research to show how far films can go in the desire to shock and disgust us, the fact that this film got invested by the Serbian state for crime against sexual morals and crime related to the protection of minors is good research for my idea of shock factor in art, and good research into what can mess up mental health in a way. Although this movie is probably the most extreme form of shock factor in art, and I may not go in this direction as it is mentally scaring I did want to use it as research.

Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 16.23.49

Media attempt to piss people off through twitter a lot of controversial tweets are made and this one feels relevant to my project as I feel think will annoy a lot of people not just people who don’t eat meat.

media view on meat eating twitter

more information that has influenced by style:

An example of a preference artist who tortured herself in a shop window on Oxford street to highlight animals cruelty in makeup and other consumerism products. I want to do this through my art, without physically harming myself but still highlighting to the same extent through the act of doing it, aka, illusion of harming animals, though eating meat, and protesting beauty by using makeup or blood as makeup.

woman protesting animal rights

I want to over exaggerate the industry that are hurting animals by being hypocritical about them myself.

The reason I am in my work as me with a corporate alter ego:

The reason I am representing myself in my artwork is because it is initially about me as a meat eater protesting the meat industry or industries that harm animals.

I am also in my own artwork because I want to have an alter ego that people can be annoyed at, that people will want to be angry at, and the fact I am the creator and the focus point I feel as though this gives my work more impact to the viewer knowing that I am the creator.

The idea off being hypocritical is believing that you have higher opinions of yourself to other than you actual practice, aka, being a snob, or a believing you are more sophisticated than you actually are, hence the alter ego, as this is not really who I am, however I want to create someone for my artwork who is all of these things.